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Career Center

Caitlyn Campbell, Career Center Coordinator

Sarah Grace, College Adviser

Ariel Smith, Laurel Ridge Career Coach

College & Career Center Information

The College & Career Center at Liberty High School is a multimedia resource center dedicated to assisting students with career decision-making and planning for their future after high school. Here are some key features:

Services Offered:

  • Career exploration and research
  • College exploration and application assistance
  • Scholarship information
  • Military options guidance
  • Career assessments

Access and Hours:

  • Students can use the Career Center's computers and resources before school, during lunch, after school, or with a pass from a teacher during class.
  • Parents and guardians are welcome, but it's advised to call ahead to ensure no classes are scheduled during the visit time.

College Visits:

  • College visit schedules are posted on the window of the Counseling Office and on the Counseling Homepage.
  • Interested students can sign up for visits online or get assistance from the College & Career Center staff.

For more details or specific assistance, students and parents can contact Caitlyn Campbell, Sarah Grace, or Ariel Smith directly.

Link to Student Jobs Website: LHS Jobs for Students