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My goal is for all members of the LHS community to have a healthy and happy school year.

Clinic Hours: 7:15 AM - 2:45 PM

Clinic Contact:
Phone: (540) 422-7372
Email: Judy Waleska

Important Reminders: Students must come to the clinic when they are not feeling well to be dismissed. They are not to call from their cell phones or text to have someone pick them up.

Medication Policies

Prescription Medications:

  • FCPS personnel may administer prescription medication to students only with a physician's written order and written permission from the student's parent or guardian (Form 7-5.3a F1).
  • The order must include the name of the medicine, dosage, time, amount, and duration.
  • Medication must be in the original pharmacy-labeled container and delivered by the parent/guardian to the principal, school nurse, or School Division designee unless other arrangements are made.

Non-Prescription Medications:

  • FCPS personnel may administer non-prescription medication to students only with written permission from the parent or guardian (Form 7-5.3a F2).
  • Permission must include the name of the medication, dosage, and reason for administration.
  • Medication must be in the original unopened container and delivered by the parent/guardian to the principal, school nurse, or School Division designee unless other arrangements are made.
  • Non-prescription medication can only be given for more than ten consecutive school days with written permission from the child's physician.

General Medication Rules:

  • All medications, prescription and non-prescription, must be kept in the clinic and cannot be in the student's possession at any time.
  • All medications will be discarded on the last day of school if not picked up by a parent or guardian. No medications will remain in the clinic for the next year per FCPS policy.

Classroom Health Plans

  • Diabetes: Students must have their new forms and supplies in place on the first day of school.
  • Chronic Conditions: Students with asthma, seizure disorders, and allergies requiring EpiPens are strongly encouraged to have health plans turned in on or before the first day of school. These students are also encouraged to have self-carry permission for inhalers and EpiPens.
  • The clinic will be open and available for dropping off medications and completing forms beginning Monday, August 10th.

Additional Information

  • Elevator Use: A doctor’s note is required for use of the elevator. Generally, when a student no longer needs to use crutches, they no longer need the elevator unless there is a doctor’s note to continue.
  • Hearing and Vision Screenings: All 10th graders and newly enrolled students to Virginia public schools will have hearing and vision screenings. You will be notified if your child needs follow-up.

For questions or concerns, please contact the LHS Clinic or school nurse Judy Waleska.

To print forms, click here for School Health Services.