Principal's Message
Leadership. High expectations. Service.
Established 1994
Welcome! Thanks for having the interest and taking the time to click. It is my honor to serve as principal of Liberty High School. Former principals John Harrison and Roger Lee established a tradition of excellence throughout the first two decades of Liberty’s existence. Following this belief our faculty is committed to lovingly guide and skillfully prepare students for the journey they are preparing to take. We are dedicated to helping the youth in this community realize their potential during their time at LHS.
We believe that given time, with strong instruction and interventions, encouragement and enthusiasm, that all students can progress and ultimately make great contributions to society. We support this by developing relationships with students and engaging them in learning the content they are required to learn and in those subjects they have chosen to learn. We believe that students must actively learn the 5 C’s – Citizenship, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking to be career ready or prepared for community college, technical school or four year college. We believe students must start developing as leaders, have high expectations for themselves and begin to understand what serving one another is.
Your communication and feedback are important to us as we strive to meet these expectations. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for how we can work together towards the ideals mentioned above. If your question or suggestion involves a specific classroom or activity please contact your son/daughter’s teacher, counselor or administrator. Email is usually the best way to do this. If your question or suggestion pertains to the school as a whole please feel free to contact me directly.
We are fortunate to live in a great community and appreciate your support of Liberty High School.
Sam Cox